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Does being a forster family ever end?

As a rule, a child is placed in a foster family or family orphanage until the difficulties which were the reason for placing the child in foster care are overcome. In practice, the time when the child leaves the family may be different.

How long can a child stay in a foster family?

Foster care for a child lasts up to the age of majority. However, it is possible for this person to remain in the family / family orphanage under the following conditions:

•       the person has reached the age of majority while in foster care,

•       the foster family / the leader gave consent for such a stay

        family orphanage, 

•       the stay lasts no longer than until the age of 25,

•       this person studies at a school or university, in an educational institution

       teachers or employers for professional preparation,
       and in the case of a person who has a significant judgment

       or moderate degree of disability - learns the above-mentioned.

       forms of education or on courses, if any

       in accordance with the individual program of self-empowerment.

Possibilities of early dissolution of the foster family

Foster parents can sometimes find themselves in a situation where they feel that they will not be able to look after the baby they have adopted any longer.

Support in such moments may be the help of a family coordinator. If the difficulties persist - foster parents may resign. However, it is worth carefully considering the decision made, because they have a large impact on both the foster family and the ward.


The Organizer of foster family should be informed about the resignation from running a foster family.

Departure of the last of the charges

Dissolution of a foster family may  occur due to the departure of the last of the charges placed in the family (especially in the case of relatives and non-professionals), e.g. as a result of reaching the age of majority, transferring the child to another form of foster care, returning the child to the family or adopting a child.

Negative feedback

If the family / the person running the orphanage receives two consecutive negative opinions from the organizer of foster care, the organizer of foster care is obliged to submit a motion to the court to revoke the decision to place the child in this family / home.

Possibilities of early dissolution of the foster family

Resignation from a professional foster family or a family orphanage will require termination of the contract - according to the rules provided for therein.

Change of the place of custody

The foster parents' agreement is terminated when the place of foster care changes by leaving the territory of Poland or the poviat with which the agreement was concluded. This premise does not apply in cases where the starost decided otherwise or the change of place is related to a holiday trip on a specified date.

Failure to fulfill a function

Termination of the contract with a foster family or a family orphanage operator may be the result of failure to perform functions or their improper fulfillment. In the event of receiving information from the above-mentioned. irregularities, the starost is obliged to notify the court.

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