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Jak zostać rodziną zastępczą

Learn the path of becoming a foster parent - from learning what a foster family is to becoming one.

Seeking Information

Learn the requirements of the law

Learn what laws apply to foster family candidates and make sure that you meet all conditions introduced in the Act of family support and foster care system. You can also read the article.

Talk to your loved ones

Decisions like this are not easy and should be taken in agreement with each household member

With Adults:

With Kids:

 Contact the Facility

Foster care support is usually handled by institutions such as MOPR or PCPR. Find a facility that is closest to your location. 

Assessment of a Candidate

Passing all stages does not oblige you to become a caregiver. At each stage you may resign and reapply after you have regained the strength to face the challenge of being a foster parent.

Submitting Documents

Submitting necessary documents to the foster care administrator commences the whole process. Print out the list and check if you have all the necessary documents. Download:

Assessment of Living Conditions

This stage verifies your ability to satisfy child's individual development needs regarding growth and education.

Czy jest rodzina zastępcza

Psychological Evaluation

Psycholog porozmawia z Tobą na temat tego jaka jest Twoja motywacja do zostania rodziną zastępczą i oceni Twoją predyspozycję.


During this training cadidates will learn what duties and challenges await them as a foster family. That training takes around 3 months.

Becoming a Family

Settling on a Child to Look After

In order to ascertain which child to take care of, candidates for an unrelated foster family should require help from the foster care administrator or the adoption center. Mutual acceptation and relation is of great importance here.


Applying as a volounteering-foster-family is also an option - this way one may get to know the children.

Filing a Case

In order to become a foster family you have to go to civil court. Foster Care Administrator will have the tools to assist you. You will need all the documents collected so far.

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